Thursday, April 4, 2019

Research Methods Chapter: Filipino Work Values in Education

Research Methods Chapter Filipino action set in instructionChapter IIMETHOD OF THE STUDYThe descriptive-correlation method acting is apply to describe the general characteristics of the respondents in this study and to try on the live race or differences in the midst of relieve oneself set, telephone line satisfaction and get to operation. This method enables the research worker to make a thorough depth psychology of the relationship between the indicators of FWVS, JSS and the results of the T for each oneers Efficiency paygrade of the respondents.Specifically, descriptive method was mapd to define the respondents governing work set, level of job satisfaction and the level of work performance according to the different indicators disposed in the utilized tools. Moreover, this method is also used to describe the condenser of work set to notice the future outcomes of job satisfaction and work performance. While, correlation method was utilized to delve on the rela tionship between the different aspects of work values and job satisfaction, and work values and work performance.INSTRUMENTS/ TECHNIQUESTo moderate the pertinent data for this study, standardized tests and evaluation tool were utilized as the main instruments.Standardized testsThis study utilized the Filipino Work Values Scale Employee Edition (FWVS EE) The Filipino Work Values Scale (FWVS) is a standardized instrument designed to determine a persons work values. The shell consists of 80 items, distributed into 10 subscales. It takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to accomplish it (Manual, 1987). The 10 subscales are the Environmental, Familial, cerebral Achievement, Interpersonal, Management, Material, Occupation, Organization, Religious and Variety. This tool was rated using the Likert Scale Rating (1 Very inconsequential, 2 Unimportant, 3 Neutral, 4 cardinal and 5 Very Important). This test consists of a test booklet where the general and specific directions were in dicated, and a infract answer sheet to indicate the respondents answers. This test can be self administered. The author sought for the license of the owner of this tool which is attached in Appendix B.To obtain the level of the job satisfaction of the participants, gambol Satisfaction Survey by Paul E. Spector was used. The calling Satisfaction Survey, JSS is a 36 item, nine-facet scale to esteem employee attitudes about the job and aspects of the job. The nine facets are Pay, Promotion, Supervision, Fringe Benefits, Rewards, Co-workers, Nature of Work, and Communication which are rated from 1 or Disagree very oftentimes to 6 or Agree very much. Although the JSS was originally developed for use in human service organizations, it is also applicable in the education setting (Spector, 2001). The survey has an existing norm for teachers in Asian countries. This tool has been widely used and has existing local anaesthetic norm in the Philippines such as in the study conducted by B ansil (2010) in the study entitled The relationship of job satisfaction and job performance of call center agents in outbound program and Rosales and her colleagues (2013), Nurses Job Satisfaction and Burnout Is there a connection?.The author obtained permission from the local authors who utilized JSS in their local researches for reliability and validity purposes. The copy of the letter of permission was attached in Appendix C.Documentary analysisThe detective obtained and analyzes the respondents work performance from the institutions previous school years work evaluation, Teachers Efficiency Rating. Efficiency Rating tool is a key component of employee development. It is intended to be a fair and balanced sound judgment of an employees performance (Claret Employee Manual, 1999).Administration. After securing permit from the school administrators, the researcher prepared the materials which are Filipino Work Values Scale (Employee Edition) which was obtained from the author, Dr . Vicentita Cervera, and the Job Satisfaction Survey by Paul E. Spector, which was obtained from the website and was utilized upon the approval of the author. The tests were self-administered and there was no time allotment. The instructions were indicated in the booklets and answer sheets, where the respondents can readily read the instructions and understood easily. The materials were distributed during the in-service develop seminar in the Audio-Visual Room (AVR) of CSQC where all the old and newly hired teachers were required to attend. The researcher was able to obtain the target respondents.The researcher was given 1 hour to conduct the administration of the tests. Other Guidance Counselors facilitated the scattering of the materials while the researcher explained the instructions where ten minutes was consumed. Fifteen to twenty minutes was allotted in answering the FWVS and another ten to fifteen minutes was given in answering the JSS. After each test, the Guidance Counsel ors collected the materials and proceeded to the inspection of answer sheets. Those answer sheets with incomplete responses and answer sheets of newly hired teachers were eliminated. A total of 109 qualified answer sheets were collected.The checking and scoring of the accomplished FWVS and JSS answer sheets started immediately after the data conclave and this was done for one month. The encoding of responses followed by the end of July, 2014 using the SPSS version 11.5 package.SAMPLING PROCEDUREThe researcher utilized the non probability purposive take in technique (Rosales, 2013). This method was used base on the given criteria and specifications identified by the researcher. In this technique, the researcher based on his personal judgment in selecting the participants who scoop out meet the purposes of his study. Ariola (2006) explains that whoever qualifies and is available is taken until the desired number of sample is attained. Specifically, stakeholder sampling (Palys, 20 14) is utilized, one of the kinds of purposive sampling which is useful in the context of evaluation research and analysis of the teachers work values, job satisfaction and work performance, who are also involved in receiving and affected by the program that is designed according to the results. interference OF DATAData were computed and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 11.5). Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics included weighted mean to describe the teachers dominant work values difference work values, extent of job satisfaction and work performance and linear regression analysis to identify the future outcome of job satisfaction and work performance based on the dominant work values. Pearson r coefficient of correlation was utilized to determine the correlation of variables and its significance.Weighted Mean. The researcher utilized this computing to get the weighted mean scores of each work values to identify the extent of immenseness on each work values, criteria of job satisfaction and work performance, with a formula ofx = N/ nTo determine the verbal interpretation of work values, this scale was usedMean RangeDescription4.50 to 5.00Very Important3.50 to 4.49Important2.50 to 3.49Neutral1.50 to 2.49Unimportant1.00 to 1.49Very UnimportantTo determine the verbal interpretation of the job satisfaction, this scale was usedMean RangeVerbal Description5.50 to 6.00Agree very much4.50 to 5.49Agree moderately3.50 to 3.49Agree slightly2.50 to 3.49Disagree slightly1.50 to 2.49Disagree moderately1.00 to 1.49Disagree very muchTo determine the verbal interpretation of the respondents work performance, this scale was utilizedMean RangeDescription4.5 to 5.0Very Evident3.5 to 4.4Evident2.5 to 3.4Fairly Evident1.5 to 2.4Hardly Evident1.0 to 1.4Not EvidentPearson r. The Pearson r or Pearson crossing Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) is used in determining strength of cor relation or association between two or more interval or ratio data (Ariola, 2006). This treatment was used to determine the stratum and the nature of correlation between work values, job satisfaction and work performance.To determine the degree of relationship that exists between the variables, the following scale was usedIf r =+.70 or higherVery lovesome positive relationship+.40 to +.69Strong positive relationship+.30 to +.39Moderate positive relationship+.20 to +.29weak positive relationship+.01 to +.19No or negligible relationship-.01 to -.19No or negligible relationship-.20 to -.29weak negative relationship-.30 to -.39Moderate negative relationship-.40 to -.69Strong negative relationship-.70 or higherVery strong negative relationship(http// determine the interpretation of the computed generated p value in comparison with the level of significance, SPSS as used as shown on the scale belowComparisonDecisionInterpretationP -value 0.05Reject Ho meaningfullevel of significancep-value 0.05Accept HoNot Significantlevel of significanceCorrelation of coefficient reveals the positive (+) or negative (-) relationship between work values (x variable) and job satisfaction or work performance criteria (y variable). Positive significant relationship explains that as the x variable increases, y variable also increases, and vice versa. Additionally, the significance of relationship of work values was based on the value, where the computed value

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