Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Health causes of stress Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health causes of stress - Annotated Bibliography Exampleudying in detail different kinds of intelligent stressors from various perspectives, and in supporting our hypothesis that healthy stressors are in a way useful for human body.The authors, researchers at the Biological Psychiatry Branch, Bethesda, used data to study the effects of healthy stressors by analyzing the happy and drab responses by 11 healthy women when they were made to recall happy and sad occurrences in their lives. The participants were scanned by development PET and H2(15)O. Although the number of participants was limited, the results they found correlated with their hypothesis that healthy causes of stress produced significant changes in their headspring regions which defined their emotional state. These changes included great reductions in cortical rCBF, right prefrontal and bilateral temporal-parietal regions. This research will be helpful in demonstrating how healthy stressors affect the brain activity a nd what regions of brain endure changes during the course of remembering and undergoing positive causes of stress.The author of this article has very successfully provided some very proper information regarding stress management with special focus on positive stressors. He has listed some specimens of healthy causes of stress like marriage, job interview, starting college, childbirth, and buying a large ticket item. The author has increase an important point that it is our perception of stress that makes a stressor a good or a unwholesome one. Changing our perception can convert a bad stressor into a positive one. The author gives the example of losing a job which might seem as a disaster but it may be perceived as a healthy stressor when one thinks about other opportunities. The article is well organized, light(a) to understand, and considerable detail has been given describing each positive stressor, which will be quite helpful in conducting our research.In this periodical, t he author has emphasized upon the importance of healthy stressors and states that a little

Monday, April 29, 2019

Do people choose whom they are attracted to Essay - 1

Do people choose whom they are attracted to - Essay ExamplePeople favor what they homogeneous, and are apathetic to what they do non like. We all make our own categories, in a very detailed manner. These vary from soulfulness to person. For example, when you ask a girl her preferences in a man she would not give you a integrity adjective. Instead she would say something like she likes a guy who is over 6-feet and 5-inches tall bald wears glasses and looks intelligent. As she walks along she will turn her head towards men having these characteristics. She would give a guy who is over this upside a glance. She would give him another look if she sees that he is bald and further attention when she notices him reading a Nature magazine. She might remember his face clearly until the end of a day. However, if the guys she meets do not pass away in these categories, she would not remember anyone of them.Another example is a director in department store. His/her expectations of a good e mployee is someone who comes to work 15 minutes early, does not show her cleavage, smiles at all times, and does not carry her/his cell phone during working hours. The director would most likely look at an employees name badge if he/she comes to work early or possesses any of the above characteristics. If an employee meets the expectations of the director, that employee gives a in truth good impression on the director. The director will remember that employee come promotion time and would inspire him for a promotion.People pay attention to someone whom they are attracted to. This attraction is based on characteristics that they like and dislike. For this reason, two people who walk side by side the halls of the Pasadena City College will meet the aforementioned(prenominal) people but would later remember not the same set of people. They will remember distinguishable people, people having characteristics fitting their own likes and dislike, or

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Building Team Relationship by Communication Essay

Building team Relationship by Communication - Essay ExampleThe meeting was called to identify them. In the meeting the essence to find and hone up the winning debater was softenn to two senior scholars of the initiate. One of them was pack a very aggressive and vocal student who was the leader extracurricular team of the school. The other was buttocks known for his intelligence but agile and reserved personality. They were given the responsibility to select five students in each team to be groomed as the new winning team for the forthcoming debating competition. The delegation on Extra-curricular Activities headed by the principal of the school was finally to decide two students to be sent for participating in the competition.He defined a team of ten such students mainly from senior student group and asked them to participate in debating programs scheduled in the school for training them and asked every participant to prepare for effective insertion. He prepared a schedule f or the program and informed students to participate without fail.Students who invite debating skills and cleansing spree through convincing arguments are invited to join the winning team for further planning Students must(prenominal) be versatile, flexible knowledgeable and presentable. Early record of debating will be a plus percentage pointJames received 20 applications from all classes. Every one was encouraged to join for the grooming sessions. formulation sessions were divided into nine debating sessions. Each session had different subjects to debate on. All participants were divided into four groups of 5 students each. Two winning participants from each group of James and John who would be sent for final presentation to the sports selection committee would be given letter of appreciation from the principal. The final two winners would get the determine to represent the school in the debating competition. The winner will get a silver trophy and recompense of $10000 doll ars as scholarship.Both James and John clearly spelled out the objective to their team members. We have to groom ourselves to be the winner in the next debating competition and stand out with the winners image the school had earned through ages Are you committed to this pious objective Unanimous reply was Yes SirThe first grooming session started on 15th April. James was with team members sharp at 9AM in the hall. Only heptad students were present. It was alarming for James. The team of seven had grueling debating on assorted subjects and no one was ready to give in. At the end the team expressed satisfaction that the super seven had the real fighting spirit.In another hall James and his team of twenty assembled to have the basic knowledge of debating. James had managed an out of date school alumni Anderson who had once won the Inter-school competition to groom the team members. He talked with

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twelve Angry Men - Movie appraise ExampleThis paper explores the film Twelve Angry Men directed by Sidney Lumet. Contrast and conflicts cede birth to progression of the plot of a play and the film Twelve Angry Men is non an exception in this regard. The film seriously involves and implements the process of consensus-building. Along with it, the difficulty implicated in exploitation these phenomena is explicitly dealt in the film. The difficulties in reaching a common point in between twelve men who ranges from varied personalities enhance the intensity and seriousness of the conflict of reaching into a common platform. The subject of the film is made poignant to the extent that level off the names of the characters are presented in a step down manner in the film. Only the names of the two jurors appear before the audience while they change their names while going out from the courthouse. The film The Twelve Angry Men can be perceived as lesson in conflicts. The men do not kno w each other, not even the audience know anything about them individually. Yet their personality, philosophy towards life and their ideologies all become pertinent by means of their conflicts expressed and resolved throughout the film. The exposition of the conflict captivates the film from opening to its denouement and persists till its ending. The pictorial matter of the conflict within the plot is slow but it is steady and indicates an exercise of divergent leadership entitle within the same platform. The conflict presented in the film launches its audience into a plane where there is no resolution of the conflict.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Value meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Value meaning - Essay ExampleTo me life is finding g a purpose and pursuing it to the bitter end, no matter the circumstances (Williams, 2012).One of my lifes guiding values is integrity. I believe with integrity one can easily excel where others welcome terribly gone wrong and failed. Once I was sitting for my end of year exams, and the instructor came and gave us the exams. After that he told us that the exam was 2 hours long and we could start just consequently. Then to everyones surprise, he walked out and left us alone. The exam was quite difficult and nobody could recall scholarship any intimacy that the instructor had given us to tackle. Some students perused through the notes while others shared information with one another. several(prenominal) others still conspired to walk out and said they would ask their doctors to write sick leave for them so that they could ware the instructor do a makeup, hoping that it would be easy. My mind was racing with ideas, and I almost joi ned my colleagues in walking out and cheating. However, deep inside of me a small voice told me to do the right thing and just be done (Cohen, 2010).After my 2 hours were over, I glanced back and saw I was the yet one left in the classroom. By that time the instructor had arrived and I handed him my paper. He then started congratulating me and told me the test actually was an assessment on students integrity and that it had a reward of $2000.In summing up, the instructor had arranged with College press out and out of nowhere photographers were milling around me asking so much about me. My story would be run on the front cover of the prestigious Campus News and I became a celeb overnight, in addition to being appointed to several student bodies. From that experience I decided integrity would be dismantle and parcel of me. To date I have adhered to this value and I have never regretted my decision since it has served me well. innovation in life simply means discovering the reason why one is alive and setting

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Poverty - Essay ExampleIn accordance to her point of visit that social classes in society plays an important role in understanding the meaning of poverty from her experiences. She wants her readers to smell out what ex characterizationly it feels like to live in poverty with no financial support and assistance from the knowledge domain outside. At various places in her essay, she questions her readers that how it feels to be clean and to live a life of luxuries while she stands among those divest souls who are suffering hard to meet their basic needs. Parker feels that the social class particularly, the fortunate ones have failed in responding appropriately towards poverty stricken people in general. However, small proportion among the interchangeable class does act responsibly but it is very difficult for the unfortunate ones to find them in timely manner. Parker considers herself as the dupe of abject poverty who was introduced to become the part of this poverty-stricken cycle by her peers at civilize and her mother. She feared that payable to inequality and discrimination between the social classes would continue to flourish like that eventually, leading her children to follow the similar destiny. She indirectly blames the privileged ones for being responsible of her condition. A clear tone of anger and anguish crapper be felt in the writing.This essay explores the hardships and struggle of Parker. She was just another person in all society with no education, no job experience and no grounds to stand firm. She left her school because children made fun of her dirty stinky clothes. As a result, she declared herself as a victim of social class from a very young age. She considers asking help from the privileged ones and the governing as a process which takes her to the journey of humiliation and a point where she feels herself losing her pride and dignity. This explains the derogatory demeanour of the privileged class towards a non-privileged

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bicycle Thieves Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bicycle Thieves - Movie Review ExampleThe director of the characterization Vittorio De Sica and Ces be Zavattini visit a whorehouse to do research on the film. The post-war Italy is immersed in destitution and the common people are directionless and destination-less. How poverty makes poor people lose their essential dignity is depicted in the movie poignantly. Ricci and his son Bruno get going to search for the round but Rome is such a big city and police are not of much help. The father and son reach a restaurant, take refreshments and a little wine. The boy gets an opportunity to view the lifestyles of the rich as he sees a family eating plates of pasta and his father tells him To eat like that, you need a million lira a month at least. after some m, to his great amazement, Ricci happens to see the bicycle thief and pursues him to reach a brothel. An ugly mob gathers, a cop arrives, but he is unable to take any legal action in the absence seizure of the witness, as the com plainant Ricci is the entirely witness. He is frustrated. In the closing sequence of the movie, Ricci is tempted to steal a bicycle himself, and the cycle of theft and poverty continues. Prominent among the Cast are Enzo Stailoa, Enzo Staiola, Lamberto Maggiorani and Lianella Carell. The experiment of introducing non-professional actors and shooting in congenital locations is a new experiment and it brings about revised procedures in articulating truth and the ideas that influence the people. It is the demand of the time as well the film makers face the budgetary constraints in the desperate post-war situation. The studios are devastated unemployment not only makes the life of the people miserable but impossible to carry on, resulting in suffocating poverty. The experimentation of neo-realist philosophy through this movie has been highly successful. Other Cinematic Characteristics There is a famous scene on and around a bridge over the Tiber. The father, played by Lamberto Maggio rani, who has earlier stuck his son, turns back from his search in fear because he thinks the boy is drowning in the river. So also shooting of the most of the scenes in the movie are filmed in real locations, without creating artificial and make-believe sets. The director is able to provide the crank touch and dealing with the untrained cast has specific advantages. They are ideal raw material for

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Follow the instruction and do the questions Essay

Follow the instruction and do the questions - Essay ExampleIn his narrative or pamphlet, Common Sense he talked about the distinction between the origins of society and origins of government. Paine drew the attention of citizenry towards general facts and common senses by telling them that a society is formed beca physical exercise of their wants. He hoped that quite a little say that they are all dependent on each other for the satisfaction of their wants, as no soulfulness alone is sufficient. There is a chain as one depends on a nonher and that another on some other and so on. They dont need government for their safety but people themselves can do it. All they need is common consent and clear conscience as, they as a society are independent on each other and these needs never cease to exist. This notion on our own selves and on each other is weak, and that is the reason that people are still under(a) the slavery of government who regulates their lives, rather than them takin g charge of their own. 2) In Mark boths ?1,000,000 desire Note, enthalpy Adams agrees to assist Lloyd Hastings in his investment venture in London. Henry tells Lloyd he does not want to buy mines instead he wants to keep my capital moving, in a commercial center field like London (76). Of course, having no assets, Henry cannot afford any investments. Yet what does it mean in Twains short story to keep ones capital flowing? In fact, Henry amply succeeds in moving his capital, much to Lloyds and others benefit. How does the story conceive capital? The story $1,000,000 marge Note by Mark Twain conceives money or capital as the most healthy object which can derive everyone and everything with its power. It can rotate the world on its axis. Henry Adams was a poor, sole(a) person who didnt hitherto have enough mean to make his ends meet, but this 1000,000 note changes his intent from a nobody to a socially high- mannikin man. Even though he could not use or cash this note, just the word about him having such wealth made him an upper class and wealthy person. The story defines capital as a controlling force which gives a fame and era of ascendence to Henry just with the illusion of him being a wealthy person. Such was the supremacy of money that even others like Lloyd could benefit from this illusion created. The plot of the story is basically teaching the lesson that money is everything for the capitalist world and just the assumption of having wealth is enough for anyone to achieve success, fame, acceptance and love in this society. 3) Explain what Thorstein Veblen means by the term pecuniary emulation. Why does the emulative habit of thought engender chronic satisfaction? financial means anything related to wealth, and emulation means to make an effort or to have an ability to hap others. Together the term Pecuniary emulation according to Veblen means to make an effort to surpass others in status as measured by wealth. Veblens theory of the leisure cl ass focused on the distinction of society between two classes, one who exploits and does not work and are called the leisure class, and other, a class of people who works in industry and produces goods. The thirst for wealth is never satisfied and gets moreover multiplied because of the power of wealth as a status symbol. Wealth brings a sense of accumulation, reputation and honor, which makes it impossible that the desire for wealth or

Monday, April 22, 2019

Analysis of Quantitative Research Study Article

Analysis of Quantitative Research Study - Article ExampleThe fall relative incidence rates were 1.5% (95% CI 0.92.6) and 0.4% (95% CI 0.21.1) in the control and intervention groups, respectively. The relative risk estimate of 0.29 (95% CI 0.10.87) favours the intervention group. In conclusion the study showed that targeted twofold interventions were effective in reducing the incidences of falls in patients in the acute care setting.A randomized prospective design was implemented at ace acute care hospital in Singapore between April 2005 and December 2006. They compared the effectiveness of two interventions (targeted multiple interventions with usual care versus usual care only) on patients identified as high-risk for falls oer 8 months.Newly admitted patients from medical, surgical, oncology, orthopedic and gynaecology wards participated. Inclusion criteria were age of 18 years or older, and engagement to participate in the study. Patients were excluded if they were in the study wards before the start of the study, or if they had fallen before the fall-risk sagaciousness was carried out.The study used a falls assessment tool to identify patients at risk for falls. Those who had lashings of 5 and above using the Hendrich II Fall danger Model were recruited into the study. The Hendrich II Fall Risk Model used in this study had been validated on 5489 patients in this setting (Ang et al. 2007). The study showed that the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model showed the best balance of sensitivity (70%, 95% CI 57.580.1) and specificity (61.5%, 95% CI 60.262.8). The accuracy of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model at the published cut-off point, measured using field of battle under the Curve (AUC), was 73%. The researchers used incidence of falls as a measurement of the sequel in this study. Patients occurrence falls information was retrieved from the entries made by the ward nurses into the hospital eHOR system. On summit meeting of these, it is the research nurses that screened and enrolled the patient into the study. The ward

Discussion-MODULE 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion-MODULE 11 - Essay ExampleThe Mongolian World outline lasted between 1206 and 1405. Genghis Khan expanded the Mongolian pudding stone to the Pacific Ocean while his grandson expanded the empire into China. The Ming world system defeated the Mongolian system under the leadership of Zheng He. This system lasted between 1368 and 1644. The Ming world system led to the spread of Confucianism, great artistry, and stinting growth.From lecture, the video Chinese Treasure Fleets, and the primary source reading, we derive that Zheng He was a fleet admiral who led the Ming Dynasty. He went for seven voyages to over 30 countries in Africa, South Asia, Persian Gulf, and the Pacific. Zheng He travelled between 1405 and 1433 to expand the Chinese maritime in Asia and establishing commercial networks across the pacific and Indian oceans. He led a fleet of high-tech and large trading vessels for expedition. Zheng He prioritized diplomacy but to a fault adopted military tactics to assert C hinese influence. Zheng Hes ships were high-tech since they were long, fashionable, and could carry every last(predicate) the other ships by renowned explorers like Columbus. According to lecture and the article by Alfred Crosby, the Columbian veer related to the exchange of livestock, traditions, plants, knowledge, technology, and people between the Americas and Afro-Eurasia. Maize and potatoes were important plants in the Columbian Exchange since they were staple foods, dominated bilateral trade, and enhanced population growth in the two

Sunday, April 21, 2019

English composition assignment 666 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English composition assignment 666 - Essay Example request to define whether Islam is a religion that is an enemy of the United States, or if it was merely misjudged and given a badly reputation by the actions of a few Islamic radicals. Using various reputable sources such as online newspapers, both electronic and print journals, and other possible sources, I plan to discuss this very push through and portray both sides of the story. by doing that, I will be able to present factual info and other actions that can help lay the issue to rest.Goldstein, J. (2013). What is racial profiling? police testify care is rarely made. The New York Times. Retrieved from http//www.nytimes.com/2013/05/13/nyregion/what-racial-profiling-police-testify-complaint-is-rarely-made.html?_r=0Kessler, C. (2013). Muslims must face history of Islam. The Australian. Retrieved from http//www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/opinion/muslims-must-face-history-of-islam/story-e6frgd0x-1226650925628Simcox, R. & Dyer, E. (2013). A picture history of radical islamists in the U.S. armed forces. The Atlantic. Retrieved from http//www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/04/a-brief-history-of-radical-islamists-in-the-us-armed-forces/274544/Sobiesky, M. (2013). At war with Islam, Martel Sobieskys warning afterward Boston. Retrieved from http//www.standupamericanow.org/articles/2013/04/at-war-with-islam-martel-sobieskeys-warning-after-bostonStoakes, E. (2012). Islam is not the enemy-- irrational hatred is. Retrieved from Independent Blogs. Retrieved from

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Processing Algorithm Developed by Google for Big Data Essay

treat Algorithm Developed by Google for Big Data - Essay ExampleW assume does a scenario describe, and what whitethorn it in addition provide? According to Sharda, Delen, & Turban (2014), a scenario describes the ending and uncontrollable variables and parameters for a specific modeling situation. (Likewise), it may also provide the procedures and constraints for the modeling (p. 57). 3. According to Kassam (2002), business metadata comprise information that increases our understanding of traditional (i.e., structured) data. What is the indigenous purpose of metadata? The primary purpose of metadata should be to provide context to the reported data that is, it provides enriching information that leads to the mental hospital of knowledge (Sharda, Delen, & Turban, 2014, p. 46). 4. What are the three nonfinancial objectives of the balanced wit? The three nonfinancial objectives of the balanced scorecard are as follows (1) to improve customer value, (2) to intensify internal busine ss processes, and (3) for organizational learning and gain (Schmarzo, 2013). 5. Describe the role of the simple split in estimating the accuracy of classification models. Simple split reportedly partitions the data into two mutually exclusive sub readys called a training set and a test set (Olson & Delen, 2008, p. 140). 8. What is the difference between white hat and black hat SEO activities? The difference between white hat and black hat search engine optimization (SEO) lies within how an SEO expert conducts his back linking strategy. Black assume SEO look for the quick and always wrong approach that gets you penalized. White Hat SEO approach looks at the keen-sighted term approach that doesnt get you penalized (Goulart, 2014, p. 1). 9. What is the most common method for treating risk in decision trees and tables? The most common method for treating risk in decision trees and tables include simulation, use of certainty factors, and bleary-eyed logic.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Comparative analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparative analysis - Essay ExampleThis way we dont realize if the story is about the sweep of a cruise ship or a conflict between two people or a horror story of an opera house. Just the likes of we dont call our dogs dog, but by some(prenominal) other name like Richard or Sally, it is considered thoughtless and out-dated to name a crawl in story love story. Nalwaystheless, this nobble story is diverse. The denomination is Sarah Cole A Kind of Love Story. Only by observing the title, it isnt that thought-provoking to predict what the story is going to be about the love between a human non yet known and a cleaning woman called Sarah Cole. So I marveled why the author so honestly stated love story and why non just love story but a type of love story. Perhaps the writer seek to tell the readers without rush that this was a love story, but not an conventional one. This is right to some tip because the sentiment that the narrator feels concerning Sarah and the plot of their love is quite distinct and unique, unlike most other ordinary love stories. Like this, the title appears very regular but at the same time, sharp and exclusive. Itislike calling your dog dog. Amongst all the appealing pet names of numerous syllables, dog incredibly shines.Determining the title for a book is perhaps the most problematic, let alone vital, task. This is because the title is the entice and we want to stinging on fresh plump ones rather than the everyday skinny ones. A orthodox sort of love story is about a fine-looking man who loves a beautiful woman, but Russell Banks Sarah Cole A Type of Love Story tells that another type of love story, in which a good-looking man loves an ugly woman, is also conceivable. Though, I found out my ego innocently visualization a lovely woman next to the handsome Ron, and it made me more uncomfortable. I, whom I thought unalike from others, was also not drop out from the bias. Ron is a remarkably handsome guy. He had a gorgeous wife, bu t his marriage did not brave long they separated. Then he met another woman named Sarah Cole at a bar, who is the mousiest woman that Ron has ever seen (Banks). Fatefully, hegetsattracted to her. A couple of a handsome man and a homely woman be hard for us to acknowledge rather than the one of an ugly man and a pretty woman, since in that location is a biased idea that beauty is the most vital property of a woman, thus, answering the questions regarding why the story is titled what it is (Ryu). It is quite obvious that being pretty or good looking and being appealing or attractive are two completely different things. So yes, that was actually why Ron deviseed those feelings of love for Sarah. This is seen in the way Ron tries to cover up for Sarah by saying Sarah wasnt mean when she was wino when Glenda talks to him about Sarahs ex-husband (Banks). In contrast however, Sarah has been shown to lacking greatly in self confidence and more or less, portrayed as a person who is ce rtainly not purple of herself and is very self conscious about her personality and looks. This is basically the reason why she was reluctant in making the first feign towards Ron and later on, continuously fighting herself hard to avoid the feelings she was starting to develop for Ron. She thinks that handsome men would never fall for an ordinary girl like her and that is exactly why she does not respond swiftly or positively at the times when Ron does try to make a move at her. In order to relieve her distress

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Physics Problems Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Physics Problems - Lab Report congresswomanWhen resistors are connected in parallel, their terminals are connected crosswise the potentiality source, and the potential drop across each terminal is the same. But, if the value of resistors is different, the current through the resistor get out be different, and accordingly the supply dissipated by the resistor will be different.Step-Up Transformer Such a transformer, steps up the voltage at the alternative windings. In much(prenominal) a transformer, the number of turns in secondary windings is more(prenominal) than that in primary windings. The equilibrium in which voltage will be stepped up depends upon the proportion in which the poesy of windings are more in the secondary windings.Step-Down Transformer As the name suggests, step pop up transformer is apply to lower the voltage. In such a transformer, the numbers of turns in secondary winding are less than the number of turns in primary. If the numbers of turns in the se condary are half than the primary, then the voltage in the secondary will be half of the primary voltage. Therefore, transformer is a useful device used in AC circuits for dividing or multiplying the voltage levels.This rule is also applicable to electrically aerated particles. ii like charges repel each other season two opposite charges attract each other. The suck between the charged particles is defined by the Coulombs law.... In such a transformer, the number of turns in secondary windings is more than that in primary windings. The proportion in which voltage will be stepped up depends upon the proportion in which the numbers of windings are more in the secondary windings. Voltage transformation ratio = (Number of turns in secondary-N1) / (Number of turns in primary-N2)For example, If the number of turns in secondary windings are double than primary winding than the voltage will be doubled.Step-Down Transformer As the name suggests, step down transformer is used to lower the voltage. In such a transformer, the numbers of turns in secondary winding are less than the number of turns in primary. If the numbers of turns in the secondary are half than the primary, then the voltage in the secondary will be half of the primary voltage. Therefore, transformer is a useful device used in AC circuits for dividing or multiplying the voltage levels. Q. Explain how the rule for the interaction between magnetic poles compares to the rule for interaction between electrically charged particles.Ans. The rule for interaction between magnetic poles states, Opposite magnetic poles attract each other while similar poles repel each other.This rule is also applicable to electrically charged particles. devil like charges repel each other while two opposite charges attract each other. The lastingness between the charged particles is defined by the Coulombs

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reflection paper on Echos from the Roman Ghettos by David Laskin Essay

Reflection paper on Echos from the Roman Ghettos by David Laskin - Essay congressmanQuestions over the justification of the businesses taking vantage of tourism in the area irrespective of the tarradiddle of the situation also tend to feature from the article.The author of the article indicated that the renovation of the town has led to the loss of historys sense. This is very doable because the gentrification bequeath tend to cover some important historic sites (David, 2012). And the visitors who will visit the area will break no evidence to convince them that where a particular create is built a certain diachronic event took place. If the area stop be set asunder and reserved, this will act as an excellent historical site. The renovation and the loss of historical relevance of the ghetto have happened simply because the officials have slept in their jobs of preserving the historical significance of these sites.The officials have a responsibility of preserving all the hist orical relevant sites from being encroached by the public. Such sites are very essential in that people can reflect on what happened those years and learn from them to avoid the repetition of such an act in the future. The saving of the significance of these sites can be done through setting apart these areas irrespective of the economic advantage they owe. Construction of an archive to store documents and pictures of the events that took place in the real-time is another responsibility of the officials so as to enhance the site retains the significance it deserves. The officials have a responsibility of strategizing how these sites will be protected.There is no harm in businesses taking advantage of the tourism in any given area. Besides retaining the historical relevance, historical sites are retained for the economic advantage of the citizens of the responsible nation as well as the nation itself (David, 2012). As a business person, one has to be as opportunistic as possible so as to make it in the business world. There is nothing wrong, therefore, of the

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Example for Free

execution and Ch wholeenges of list Concept in Human resources EssayGoing listing is the talk of the season. Almost all the big organizations are adopting controversy practices not only manufacturing but management. In this write-up I am liberation to discuss how HR as an organizations break down understructure help in ladder transformation. A critically important issue in lean success, just now coming into light(a) view, is the relationship between the human resources (HR) function and lean transformation. It turns out that the HR function, even at its best, is a lottimes considered as only a passive detainer of lean transformation. At its worst, it is said to be a barrier to progress.There are two facets to the relationship between lean and HR. First, it is self-evident that the HR functionjust like any other de take leavement in a companyneeds to put through lean practices and principles toward process improvement in its own work. Second, the HR function needs to actively support and enforce lean transformation throughout the company. The HR function, by virtue of its interactions with virtually every part of a company, is actually in an ideal position to be a powerful ally in lean transformation, IF lean leaders make the effort to enlist its aid.Here we are discussing how HR makes a significant contribution to lean success with active support in several key areas. What is slant (concept) Lean principles come from the Japanese manufacturing industry. The term was first coined by John Krafcik. From its inception Lean was considered as manufacturing tool but today lean has evolved from just a tool to a philosophy of success. The nubble idea of Lean philosophy is to maximize customer shelter while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating to a greater extent value for customers with few resources.A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously join on it. The ultimate goal is to provide per fect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. To accomplish this, lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies, assets, and upright departments to optimizing the f imprint of products and services through inbuilt value rate of flows that flow horizontally across technologies, assets, and departments to customers.Eliminating waste on entire value pullulates, instead of at isolated points, creates processes that need less(prenominal) human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at far less salutes and with much fewer defects, compared with traditional business systems. Companies are able to respond to changing customer desires with high variety, high quality, low cost, and with very fast throughput times. Also, information management becomes much simpler and more accurate. Lean for production and servicesA popular misconception is that lean is suited only for m anufacturing. Not true. Lean applies in every business and every process. It is not a tactic or a cost reduction program, but a musical mode of thinking and acting for an entire organization. Businesses in all industries and services, including healthcare and governments, are using lean principles as the way they think and do. Many organizations choose not to use the word lean, but to label what they do as their own system, such as the Toyota Production System or the Danaher Business System.Why? To lug home the point that lean is not a program or short term cost reduction program, but the way the company operates. The word transformation or lean transformation is often used to characterize a company moving from an old way of thinking to lean thinking. It requires a complete transformation on how a company conducts business. This takes a long-term perspective and perseverance. The term lean was coined to describe Toyotas business during the late 1980s by a research team headed by J im Womack.Lean Thinking Lean transformations think about three fundamental business issues that should guide the transformation of the entire organization Purpose What customer problems will the enterprise solve to achieve its own purpose of roaring? Process How will the organization assess each major value stream to make for certain each step is valuable, capable, available, adequate, flexible, and that all the steps are linked by flow, pull, and leveling?People How can the organization insure that every important process has someone responsible for continually evaluating that value stream in terms of business purpose and lean process? How can everyone touching the value stream be actively engaged in operating it correctly and continually improving it? Just as a carpenter needs a vision of what to build in order to get the bounteous benefit of a hammer, Lean Thinkers need a vision before picking up lean tools, said Womack. Thinking deeply about purpose, process, people is the ke y to doing this.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Political Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes Essay Example for Free

Political Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes Essay authorities should be the application of the science Of universe to the construction of the community Explain this remark and discuss what reasons at that place might be for believeing it is not trueIn this essay I intend to examine the policy-making doctrine of Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes, in particular their ideas relating to the science of man, and attempt to explain why their ideas prove that it is not viable to construct a science of man. I will also briefly mention the school of thought of Donald Davidson in regards to a science of man.The theories of Hobbes and the contemporary socio-biologists attempt to recognise how man works and on that basis skeletal system a society. Hobbes wished to be correticuloendothelial systempondn as the inventor of the science of politics (Sorrell, p45) He went about this by face at the psychology of man and discovering that man is a mechanism. Hobbes wanted to unde rstand mechanics. He wanted to suppose at why men live the way that they do in society and therefore, breaks it down. By doing this he discovered that people argon cogs in the social machine.Therefore he wants to examine this cogs to achieve an ground of the social mechanism, and does this by looking at the psychology of the mind. Hobbes is both an empirist and a materialist. Empirists believe that sense gives exclusively experience. Gener eachy, they do not believe in astrology, god, electrons etc. Their philosophical system is summed up by saying that all things that give true intimacy can be sensed. Materialists believe that all things in existence ar physical matter. In other words, the soul and the spirit do not exist. Therefore Hobbes believes that thoughts are material, that they are caused by sense and vice versa.Tom Sorrell suggests in his essay, entitled Hobbes scheme of the sciences, that rather than feel knowledge of how the mechanics of the minds passions work , a more successful way of gaining political knowledge is to understand what these passions cause. They cause divers(a) degrees of action, with the possessor going to various extents to achieve what they want. In chapter six of De Corpere, Hobbes makes a connection between the knowledge of the principles of politics and the knowledge of the motions of the average human mind.Hobbes account of political science is an idea of what man essential do if his goal is self-preservation. These ideas are not what mankind will do but what it will have to do, in a rational way, to form a political civilisation. One would assume that as Hobbes identifies both a natural science (that of the work of nature), and a civil science that of the common wealth (which makes laws and wills), he would suggest that they are parallels which, in political philosophy, work together. However, there are a few problems with Hobbes theory.Hobbes suggests that a monarch butterfly makes a better sovereign than an assembly. Yet, surely he would not agree that a monarch who is not dedicated would be better suited than a group of thoughtful representatives. A politically secure society is built up from its people. Hobbes believes that these people all have one motivation self-gain, or to be more precise self-preservation. Hobbes suggests that there is a link between voluntary motion and resilient motion. He goes on to say that senses work together with the critical motions to produce that which is voluntary, i.e. an endeavour.These endeavours can be categorise in two ways attractions and aversions. An example of an attraction is to pick up a piece of spread over because it looks good. That of an aversion is to run away from a dog because you are scared of dogs. As it is possible to see these actions are derived from the senses, again agreeing with Hobbes empirist theory. Endeavours are the small motions within man which occur before he walks, talks, runs or carries out any other voluntary motion. These endeavours are so small that they are undetectable.By spirit why men act the way that they do, it is easier to come to a conclusion as to how society should be structured. However, the idea that the existence of a science of man can be questioned suggests that society can be constructed without it. This is due to the fact that many psychological and political theories are founded on the basis that there is a science of man. Without this science of man these theories are in turn questioned and therefore cannot be viably backed as reasons for the construction of the community.Another prolific philosopher whose arguments should be taken into account is Rene Descartes. Descartes thinks that we, as humans, are made up of two separate hearts. The body is the physical stuff and the mind the res cogitans (thinking thing) purely mental stuff. The res cogitans can will your body to conk out. The difficulty with Descartes theory is that the mind and body interact if you pour simmering water on you hand, you will feel pain. Again we have to take into account voluntary and vital motions. A voluntary motion is me moving my arm.A vital motion is my arm moving. I move my arm because I want to but I may not necessarily want it to be moved. This can happen for a number of reasons. It may be possible that I have a muscle spasm in my arm or that somebody moves it. All of this suggests that for Descartes theory to be assort there must be some kind of connection between a material substance (the body) and an immaterial substance (the mind). However, we will find it unachievable to understand the idea of a science of man if we cannot understand how the two substances interact.Therefore, again, we have no proof that it is possible to build a political philosophy on the basis of a science of man. On p213 of Davidson , we find an explanation of monisms and dualisms. Theories are thus divided into four sorts nomological monism, which affirms that there are correla ting laws and that the events correlated are one (materialists belong in this category) nomological dualism, which compromises various forms of parallelism, interactionism and epiphenominalism preposterous dualism which combines ontological dualism with the general failure of laws correlating the mental and the physical (cartesianism).And finally there is anomalous monism which shows an ontological stoop only in that it allows the possibility that not all events are mental, while insisting that all events are physical. The final position is that which Davidson himself follows. Davidsons argument suggests that the psychology of man does not follow any causal laws. Therefore, it is impossible to impose any rationality on theories involving the mind. These anomological psychological states are defeasable. They are defeasable because it is possible that by adding some other condition to the situation the expected behaviour changes.Therefore it is impossible to agree with any politica l philosophy that involves the necessity of a science of man. What is easily discovered is that there are many different political philosophies and many different concepts as to what is a science of man. Philosophers such as Hobbes and his counterparts, Mill and Marx, possess the shared assumption that political philosophers must accept the political opinion that they are arguing for. They all think that rational agents must accept their arguments yet they all have different arguments.They all believe that for a successful political structure human nature cannot be ignored, if the structure is to command respect. As I have shown, Descartes and Davidson on the other hand, believe that a science of man is impossible Descartes because he believes that our minds are immaterial and Davidson because mans behaviour follows no causal laws. All of this shows us that trying to interpret mans actions and apply them to a science is an impossible conquest. Man is too complicated a mechanism to u nderstand and therefore political philosophy, for a sensible and rational social structure, must be founded on another basis.

People are Born Homosexual Essay Example for Free

People are Born Homo land upual Essay homo informality is non just a contemporary ideology or behaviour of people. It has been state even during the ancient classical terms, and the early Afri corporation and Native American tribes. In some Native American tribes, a mankind dressed as a woman was treated with great respect because they were considered to be spiritually apt (Bidstrup, 2001). In some African tribes, masturbation and some new(prenominal) homo cozy behaviours between young boys were even tolerated (Bidstrup, 2001). They power saw these actions as innocent and nothing but child-play. In the ancient Greek and papistic civilization, similar sex relationships were accepted. It was not unusual to see custody kissing other men in familiar. This tolerance was somehow changed upon the intrusion of the English. They introduced the idea that same sex relationships and behaviours were immoral. Thus, some of these people repressed these behaviours until it became taboo even today. Homo informality is different from sexual orientation. It is a specific type of the sexual orientation of an man-to-man. Sexual orientation is the stage to which an exclusive is attracted to persons of the other sex and/or to the persons of the same sex (Smith, et al, 2003).Homosexuality, on the other hand, is the attraction of an individual to the same sex and heterosexuality is the attraction to the opposite sex. The origin of oddity has been debated for a long time now. There were psychologists and scientists who support the idea that sexual orientation is innate. On the other hand, some say that environmental factors play a great deal of importance in determining an individuals sexual orientation and not innate ones. But which one is true? Let me first discuss the memorial of homosexuality in order to have a better determineing on it.Why is it consecrate and ordinary in the past? Do these histories prove the existence of innate and environmental factors in influencing an individuals sexual orientation? Homosexuality in Prehistoric Africa According to some early textual matter during the Inquisition period, African tribes accepted homosexuality in their culture. Even one of these tribes, the Hausa people, had terms to describe homosexuals Yan dauda which describes a transvestite and dan dauda which can be translated as homosexual wife (Bidstrup, 2001). In this tribe, they engaged in virile prostitution.These male prostitutes did not have pimps but they engaged in prostitution if an opportunity arises. There were other tribes in Africa where boys engaging in homosexual activities were considered to be innocent. They considered themselves virgins at marriage despite having experience in homosexual activities. There were also tribes where they expect men to engage in sexual activities with other men like the Bantu-speaking people of Africa. Homosexuality among Native Americans There were a significant number of men wearing women cl othes in Native American tribes.These men were called Two-Spirits because they embody the two sexes the male and the female. They were view because Native Americans believed that these men were special gifts by the God. They believed that these men have insights regarding spiritual matters. They were considered to be prophets who were adequate to understand the realm of both man and woman (Bidstrup, 2001). Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome It was known that the Roman Empire did not tolerate homosexuality in the society. But this belief is wrong. Like the ancient Greeks, Romans also accepted men having relationships with men.It was believed that the Roman Empire declined when the tolerance on homosexuality increased. On the contrary, when it was ruled by the Senate, it was discovered that Romans had a high tolerance on homosexuality (Bidstrup, 2001). In Ancient Greece, they believed that masculinity and feminity was not two separate essences. They believed that the sex of an individual was actually the combination of both masculinity and feminity. Therefore, homosexuality was not an issue for Greeks. They do not find men kissing other men in public an unusual scene.They accept men getting married with another man and having sexual intercourse with them. Thus, we can find a large number of literature and art regarding homosexuality in these civilizations. This brief score on the presence of homosexuality among individuals proves that homosexuality is not just a mere trend brought by contemporary ideals. It has been part of our society since the dawn of man. Also, these histories show that homosexuality whitethorn be in-born and may also be influenced due to environmental factors. Despite the primitive nature of prehistoric Africans, some men were able to find themselves attracted to other men.It is possible that innate factors played in this instinctive behaviour of being attracted to the same sex. Another illustration is apparent influence of environm ental factors. The Greeks wide acceptance of man-to-man relationships and their beliefs on grammatical gender and sexuality influenced mens sexual orientation. Innate Factors in Sexual Orientation Psychologists say that childishness gender nonconformity is a phenomenon that shows the innateness of sexual orientation. Childhood gender nonconformity is when an individual enjoys activities typical of the other sex and most of their friends are the other sex.It was also found that adults who experienced gender nonconformity spread over that they had not been masculine (for men) or feminine (for women) when they were children (Smith, et al, 2003). Another evince is the presence of a gene present in homosexuals. It was observed that gay brothers often tend to share the same X-chromosome Xq28 (Deem, 2009). This finding suggests that this gene may affect males sexual orientation. Environmental Factors on Sexual Orientation One evidence of environmental factors acting as determinants of s exual orientation is the nurture aspect in child development.It is verbalise that parents play a role in the gender identity and sexual orientation development of a child. But this hypothesis is not strongly supported by scientific studies. Another evidence is the exotic-becomes-tingling theory of Daryll Bem of Cornell University. In this theory, he believes that sexual orientation is socially determined. Thus, environment plays a role in sexual orientation development. But we should also take into account that EBE theory addresses the innateness of sexual orientation. EBE theory suggests that genes and hormones cause differences in a childs temperament.The difference would determine if the child will be engrossed in activities typical to his/her own sex or to the other sex. When the child spends more time with the opposite sex, they determine similar with the opposite sex and become alienated with the same sex. This exotic feeling then becomes an erotic feeling when the child gr ows. Although the evidence for environmental factors is weak, Bems EBE theory supports the existence of both factors. Homosexuality isnt just inborn in an individual, environmental factors also play a role. It is the interplay of these two factors that differences in sexual orientation are possible.References Beem, R. (2009). Genetics and homosexuality Are people born gay? The biological tail end for sexual orientation. Godandscience. org. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from http//www. godandscience. org/evolution/genetics_of_homosexuality. html Beems essay focused on the innateness of sexual orientation. It discussed tie in brain and twin studies and other scientific studies that support the innateness of sexual orientation. Bidstrup, S. (2001).Saint Aelred the queer The surprising memoir of homosexuality and homophobia. Bidstrup. com. Retrieved at March 30, 2009, from http//www. bidstrup.com/phobiahistory. htm Bidstrup discussed the history of homosexuality and homophobia in this es say. He talked about the ancient tribes and civilizations that tolerated homosexuality and why it has become oppressed in these groups. Smith, E. E. Nolen-Hoeksema, S. Fredrickson, B. and Loftus, G. R. (2003). Atkinson Hilgards Introduction to Psychology. (14th ed. ). Australia Thomson Wadsworth. Smiths textbook covers normal psychology lectures like emotions, learning, and motivation. It provides specific and up-to-date examples and applications of terms, theories, and definitions.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

What is Nutrition Essay Example for Free

What is victual EssayOBJECTIVES1. Identify and discuss parts that affect food choices. (Course objective 1) 2. Define provender, nutrients, essential nutrients, non essential nutrients, large calorie 3. Identify the six classes of nutrients utilized by humans and hunt their basic functions in the embody. (Course Objective 4) 4. run along the steps of the scientific method.5. Describe the followers components of inquiry studies experimental chemical group, control group, placebo, double-blind placebo-controlled instruction 6. debate the types of research studies and methods roled to acquire valid nutrition information. (Course objective 2) 7. state between reputable and non-reputable firsts of nutrition information. 8. Differentiate between the various methods use to assess the nutrient status of individuals and population groups. Discuss the pros and consTEACH YOURSELF THE fundamental principleWhat Drives Our Food Choices?1. Identify at least five factors that in fluence our food choices. Taste,enjoyment, culture, environment, social reasons, and popular trends. 2. Discuss examples of at least three of the factors identified in question 1. Taste is considered the number one factor when it comes to choosing foods. Foods that are salty and sweet are among the top choices. Culture plays an important role in choosing food. Foods that are easily available to a group of the population are more likely to be eaten all oer foods that are rare to the location. Someone from China may sop up different choices than someone from Italy. Social trends too hire a role to play in choosing food. What family and friends eat and foods considered popular may be chosen over new(prenominal) foods, despite health concerns. ** dupe original to enjoin The Take-Home Message for this persona (Pg. 7)What is Nutrition?1. Explain how the focus of the study of nutrition has changed over cartridge clip. Nutrition began a some coke years ago as a science relati ng nutrients to diseases and its affects, but today is utilise as a way to promote good health and long life by healthy eating. ** Make indisputable to read The Take-Home Message for this region (Pg. 9)What are Nutrients?1. List the six categories of nutrients found in foods and in the body. Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and piss 2. Which nutrients provide talent? Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Alcohol also provides energy but is not considered a nutrient. 3. When we use the term calorie to describe the energy content of food, are we actually referring to the word calorie or are we referring to the word kilocalorie? Explain. Kilocalorie, not calorie, is the correct term when referring to the energy content of food. Calorie is a much smaller unit of criterion. 4. How many kilocalories are provided in a gram of carbohydrate? Protein? Fats? Carbohydrates and Proteins have 4 kilocalories and Lipids or fats have 9 kilocalories. **Make sure to rea d The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 13)What Are the Primary Roles of the Individual Nutrients?1. For each of the 6 classes of nutrients, briefly describe their primary role in the body. Use the table below to guide you. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. Carbohydrates are the bodys Mais bloodline of energy. Proteins provide the building blocks, or amino acids, for tissue in the body. Fats are also a source of energy but in a more concentrated form. Water makes up a absolute majority of the fluids in the body, as well as its tissues. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins help regulate metabolism and use other nutrients, while minerals assist in body processes.2. List some food sources for carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Carbohydrates include bread, cereals and nuts. Lipids include cover and oils. Proteins include meat and dairy. 3. Classify the vitamins according to whether they are water soluble or fat soluble. Water sol uble vitamins include vitamin C and the 8 B-complex vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and vitamin K. 4. Give examples of major minerals and key out minerals.Major minerals include calcium and magnesium, while Trace minerals include iron and zinc. **Make sure to read The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 16)What is Credible Nutrition Research?1. What are some questions you can have yourself to evaluate the credibility of make nutrition information (in print or on the internet)? Was the research findings published in a peer-reviewed journal? Was the study done on animals or humans? Is this the first time I have heard this? Do the study participants resemble me? 2. Describe the steps of the scientific method.Scientists divulge the natural world, ask questions, and put forth or submit an explanation, called a hypothesis, bases on what they observed. Next they shield this hypothesis to meet if it is correct or not. After testing or conducting an experiment, it c an be fixed if the hypothesis is supported or not by the findings. If supported, the findings can be published. If not supported, the scientist then must revise or redo the hypothesis.3. Why is a double-blind placebo-controlled study considered the gold standard of research? This study is the gold standard because all variables are the same and controlled for the groups with no bias toward any group or researcher. 4. How does sample size affect the credibility of research results? The sample sizes must be large full so that any differences in the study are related to treatment and not just chance. **Make sure to read The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 21)What Is Nutrition Assessment and What Does It Involve?1. Briefly describe the different methods for assessing the nutrition status of individuals. Which one is the best method? Explain your reasoning. Anthropometric data is used to determine body size or composition. Data gathered is compared to reference standards, whic h can help determine risk factors for developing disease. Biochemical tests assess nutrient levels in body fluids, how fast nutrients are excreted with urine, and metabolic by products of nutrients found in urine. Clinical tests inspect the body for over or under nutrition by inspecting hair, nails and lips. Dietary intake can be measured by interviews and questionnaires to reveal life-style habits. The most important of the four would be anthropometric due to its ability to evaluate for disease much(prenominal) as diabetes.**Make sure to read The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 27)How Do We Assess the nutritionary Status of a Population Group? 1. How are nutritional assessment methods for a population group different than those which would be used for an individual? For a large population national surveys are used to determine nutritional status.How Does the American Diet Stack Up?1. Summarize how the American diet compares to dietetic recommendations. Americans eat t oo much protein, sugar, sodium, saturated fat and not enough fiber, some vitamins and minerals. **Make sure to read The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 30) Whats the Best Dietary Strategy for Health?1. Is the following statement true or false A variety of whole foods will meet everyones nutritional needs and there should be no need for nutritional supplements. Explain your answer. False. Some individuals have diet restrictions or higher nutrient needs such as a pregnant charr or someone who is lactose intolerant. **Make sure to read The Take-Home Message for this section (Pg. 31) vocabularyNutrition The science that studies how nutrients and compounds in foods nourish the body and affect body functions and overall health. Nutrients Compounds in foods that exert body processes. There are six classes of nutrients carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water Essential Nutrients Nutrients that must be consumed from foods because they cannot be make in the body in sufficient quantities to meet its needs and support health. Nonessential Nutrients Nutrients that can be made in sufficient quantities in the body to meet the bodys requirements and support health. faculty Yielding Nutrients The three nutrients that provide energy to the body to fuel physiological functions carbohydrates, lipids, and protein.Kilocalorie The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade used to express the measurement of energy in foods 1 kilocalorie is equal to 1000 calories. Macronutrients Organic nutrients, including the energy-containing carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water that the body needs in large amounts. Micronutrient Essential nutrients the body needs in smaller amounts vitamins and minerals. Water oil-soluble Vitamins Vitamins that terminate in water Generally cannot be stored in the body and must be consumed. Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamins that dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body. Maj or Minerals Minerals needed by the body in amounts greater than 5 grams Aka Macro minerals.Trace Minerals Minerals needed by the body in amounts slight than 5 grams Aka Micro minerals. Peer Reviewed Journal A journal in which scientists publish research findings, afterwards the findings have gone through a rigorous review process by other scientists. empiric Research Research that involves systematically observing subjects to see if there is a relationship to certain outcomes. data-based Group In experimental research, the group of participants are given a specific treatment, such as a drug, as part of the study. Control Group in experimental research, the group that does not collar the treatment but may be given a placebo instead used as a standard for comparison.Placebo An inactive substance, such as a sugar pill, administered to a control group during an experiment. Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled hit the books An experimental study in which neither the researchers nor the s ubjects in the study are aware who is receiving the treatment or the placebo. Nutritional Genomics A field of study of the relationship between genes, gene expression, and nutrition. Registered Dietician A health professional who is a food and nutrition expert RDs obtain a college degree in nutrition from an American Dietetic Association (ADA) accredited program, and pass an exam to become a Registered Dietician. Malnourished A condition that results when the body does not receive the right amount of essential nutrients to maintain health over nourished and undernourished are forms of malnutrition.Malabsorption A problem associated with the lack of absorption of nutrients through the intestinal tract. aesculapian Nutrition Therapy The integration of nutrition counseling and dietary changes based on individual medical and health needs, to treat a patients medical condition. Quackery The promotion and selling of health products and operate of questionable validity. Body Mass Index ( BMI) A measurement calculated as height divide by weight squared used to determine whether an individual is underweight, at a healthy weight, or overweight. Overweight For adults, having a BMI greater than 25.Obesity For adults, having a BMI greater than 30.Here are a few examples of reliable nutrition and health websites. American Dietetic Association www.eatright.org Centers for Disease Control www.cdc.gov Food and do drugs Administration www.fda.gov National Institutes of Health www.nih.gov U.S. Department of Agriculture www.nutrition.gov American Cancer Society www.cancer.orgFor additional resources, animations, and news program stories over topics from this chapter, click on Chapter Contents on your Blackboard page, then click on Chapter 1.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Demon in the Free

The Demon in the deep-freeze EssayI. The Other Side of the Moon1. Peter Jahrling precious to work with the variola major com limiter virus because he wanted to be in efforts to create a national stockpile. He could not believe that the vaccine was not enough for a bioterror attack on the United States. He wanted to find a cure for the disease.2. In April, the Institute of Medicine issued a report saying that if the world wanted to befool a new vaccine or an antiviral drug for smallsyph indeed the virus would occupy to be kept for scientific look intos. President Bill Clinton had personally favored the destruction, only if after interpret the report changed his mind. The White House now endorsed keeping the stocks. A month later the WHO voted to keep variola major alive for another three years until June 30th, 2002.II. A Wo world With A Peaceful Mind1.During an experiment, Lisa was memory a pair of blunt childrens scissors grip with her rubber space suit gloves. She wa s trying to blunt a bottle by prying on a tab with the scissors. Suddenly they slipped and the tip of the scissors jammed into the middle finger of her right glove. She mat a stab of pain near her fingernail.III. thermo thermonuclear Pox1.The experiment that the Australians presented was they were trying to use a virus to try to cut down populations of mice. They had been infecting mice with an engineered snarfpox virus that was supposed to make the mice sterile. But the engineered hookpox had wiped egress the mice. Jahrling and Moyer uneasy about this line of research because the Australians had engineered a pox virus that could overwhelm the vaccine and they had done it by putting a single gene from the mouse into the virus. One mouse gene into the pox. They realized that the virus had taken down immunized animals and bioterrorists could use this.IV. topsy-turvyness in Level 41.Lisa and her group were inoculating imps with contrary put outs of smallpox. They were puttin g it into the bloodsteams of the goldbricks and they use higher points. Jahrling felt that if a billion particles of the smallpox didnt give a monkey a disease of about sort, then nature would be telling us that variola was not going to go into both species except man.2.Lisa worked in a corridor of the sub-subbasement. She was in a Level 4 bea because that was where the smallpox and the monkeys were quarantined.3.The monkey-model team consisted of Peter Jahrling, John Huggins, Lisa Hensley, and an Army veterinary pathologist named Mark Martinez. There was also an animal c aretaker named crowd together Stockman and two veterinary technicians named Joshua and Rafael and a biologist named Louise Pitt.4.First the monkeys were exposed to Harper, then Dumbell 7124 (India strain).5.First, the Harper smallpox was blown into the air around Monkey C099s head. Then he got it inserted into a vein in his second joint and he received one billion infective particles of Harper smallpox.6.Bef ore they had used a lower dose and they had given the virus to the monkeys through the air. This time, they also put it into the bloodstreams of the monkeys.V. Demon Eyes1.Eight monkeys were given the Harper or India strains. There were seven of them that died (six from hemorrhagic smallpox and one from classical pustular smallpox). Harper was the only survivor.2.The scientists bonded with monkey C099 because that monkey had been sacrificed as a result of their experiments and unlike the other monkeys, he didnt die naturally (they put him to sleep).3.The necropsy room was used to perform a post-mortem exam in privacy so no other animal of the same species can observe.4.5.The one monkey that survived was put to death because protocol of the experiment required the euthanasia of all animals in order to gather more data on the set up of smallpox. I wouldve done the same thing because if the virus had spread through the monkeys body, it would form suffered unnecessarily, seeing how th e other monkeys died from macrocosm infected just as he was being to. They put the monkey out of his misery.VI. Demon Eyes 1.An anthrax cell is similar to a virus because when it comes into contact with lymph or blood, it cracks open and germinates and turns into a rod-shaped cell. It is different because unlike a virus it is alive. It uses its own machinery to makes copies of itself.2.Tom Geisbert believed the anthrax spores were man made because he observed that something was clinging to the spores. When he turned up the beam the goop began to spread out of the spores. The spores had something in them like an additive.3.The anthrax may have infected and killed the postal workers because it was continuously handled by umpteen workers. The envelopes were squeezed through the mail sorting machines which made the anthrax pores start to leak through the letters of the pores.4.The Daschle letter had gone through the Hamilton facility en route to Brentwood.5.The Daschle anthrax may hav e come from Iraq just now the savours theyd seen from Iraq were completely different. The Iraqi had been mixed with bentonite and these spores didnt have clay in them.6.Ken Alibek defected to the United States from Russia. He revealed to the US Government that a panoramic vista of Biopreparat, as well as an advanced bioweapons computer programme in Russia that was broken into secret compartments.7.Ken Alibek suggests that biological weapons are more beneficial than nuclear weapons because while nuclear weapons destroy eitherthing, biological weapons are more beneficial because they destroy full of life activity (people).8.The concept of vital activity was demonstrated when he the jar containing a surrogate of a weaponized brain virus called VEE, which travelled easily in the air. Depending on the altitude of the dispersal of the contents, the particles could travel close to l miles (this could be used with anthrax mixed with smallpox).9.Geisbert discovered two extra elements i n the anthrax spores silicon and oxygen.10.The EPA spent an estimated 30 million dollars decontaminating the Brentwood mail facility.11.There were five homicides in the Amerithrax case.12.The difference between a K and Q collected sample of evidence is that a Q sample comes from an unknown source and can be matched to known samples. K samples are reference samples that are fully identified.13.The Amerithrax (Ames) strain came from a dead cow in Texas in 1981 and it finish up in the labs at USAMRIID. The fact that the Maerithrax strain wasnt military pointed to a home-grown American terrorist quite of a foreign source. This helped to turn the focus of the investigation to wihin the United States.14.The FBI still believed that al-Qaeda had something to do with the Ames strain because Mohammed Atta (who was the operational leader of the hijackers), made inquiries at airports in Florida about renting crop-dusting airplanes (he probably wanted to spray something from the air).15.The i nvestigation of Dr. Steven Hatfill was completely justified, although how the FBI handled it through the media was wrong. Hatfill clearly had a reputation and experience in the scientific community when it came to the knowledge to carry out such an attack. He had a storage facility in Florida and had access to a cabin in a remote party of Maryland. He even had a secret-level security and he was close with Ken Alibek and Bill Patrick (two men with anthrax ma office experience).Hatfill even licensed Patrick to write a study on the effects of anthrax mailed in letters. Patrick worked out a scenerio in which a letter containing two grams of dry anthrax spores was opened inside an office building. The FBI had all reason to believe that he was a person of interest, til now the leaks to the media were unnecessary, because Hatfills life story was basically because of being investigated. I strongly feel like in that respect was no need for the media to be present everytime his domicil or cabin or office was raided and samples were taken out. The FBI wanted to show the public that they were doing their job effectively, but at the same time they didnt have to use Hatfill as their scapegoat because his life and career were ruined as a result.16. A bioreactor (also called an STLV) was developed at NASA. You can grow human tissues in it and then infect them. Using a device like this can test new drugs against smallpox and other exotic diseases that could not be tested ethically in people.17.Dr. Alfred Sommer was enraged about the smallpox research that Peter Jahrling conducted with monkeys because he believes that smallpox could have been eradicated completely if the stocks had been all destroyed. He believes that the biggest danger of Jahrlings research was it would look suspicious to other countries and would encourage them to do their own experimentation.18.D.A. Henderson believed Jahrlings work could not lead to the development of new drugs or vaccines against sma llpox because what was really needed was an inhaled dose of smallpox in a monkey to test a vaccine, since people inhale the virus.VII. Superpox 1.A recombinant virus is a virus that has been engineered in the laboratory.2.Interleukin-4 is produced by the immune system because it fights off an infection by stimulating the production of antibodies.3.Cellular immunity is provided by numerous kinds of white blood cells.4.If the gene for IL-4 is added to a poxvirus, it will cause the virus to make IL-4. It starts communicate the immune system of the host, which becomes confused and starts making more antibodies.5.The genetically engineered mousepox is compared to AIDS because it seems to create a king of instant AIDS-like immune suppression in a mouse right at the moment when the mouse needs this type of immunity the most to fight off an exploding pox infection.6.There are two shipway to shoot a mouse against mousepox. One way is to infect it with natural mousepox. The other way is to vaccinate the mouse with the smallpox vaccine.7.The Australian scientists found that mice immunized with natural mousepox become completely immune to IL-4 mousepox, however it was different because the IL-4 mousepox crashed through the smallpox vaccine, killing the mice they had previously vaccinated.8.Scientists should definitely be allowed to create a supervirus, as long as they are doing so for scientific reasons. If in that respect was a complete ban on scientific experimentation that may lead to the creation of superviruses, then at the same time there wouldnt be vaccines created. Before the Eradication began, there were two million people dying every year. Those doctors who ended the virus as a natural disease ended up saving fifty to sixty million human lives. Those who end up getting the short end of the stick (if there is no creation of superviruses and vaccines) are the people living in third world nations, where medical vaccinations are not readily available.On the flip side, if scientists are given free reign to create superviruses whenever they want, then that will ultimately lead to biological warfare with countries threatening each other. This can lead to determent and blackmailing of smaller nations, who may not be able to compete and keep up. There need to be strict guidelines governing viruses (like smallpox) that countries create and expand on.Last month, Australia was in the news because scientists there had genetically limited the virus that causes smallpox. They managed to create a new strain that had caused the death of all the animals involved in the study. What makes this different from what I read in the book is that the new virus was done with mice that had been previously immunized. This is a shivery possibility because there are countries out there that are still looking to improve on the smallpox virus.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ib Economics Commentary 1 - Microeconomics Essay Example for Free

Ib Economics Commentary 1 Microeconomics EssayRebecca Bundhun, (October 19, 2012) Cost of summer getaways hit as air tatter legal injurys rise, The National, http//www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/industry-insights/tourism/ be-of-summer-getaways-hit-as-air-ticket-prices-riseThe cost of an airline ticket house fluctuate tremendously base on a number of factors. The goal of airlines is to maximize their capacity by having the greatest number of passengers on all trips. This may however be difficult, as airlines pricing is not only dictated by their own operating costs and profit margins required but they get under ones skin to tump over complementary items that could have an effect on supply and essential for their product. By definition, command theory explains the inverse relationship amongst quantity and price. This law explains that if the quantity avail open of a product or service wanted by the public is low, the price for that product or service allow be high. As demand for a product or service increases, the price will increase. This law is critical as we are able to address prices based on the demand of a product. In the case of airlines, they are able to predict that prices for their services will go up during the high travel months. People are willing to net more for travel during the summer months, as they hold out that supply is limited and their available time is be by their vacation schedules.If we were to graph this scenario, we would find that price and quantity relationship creates a maximum cleverness point called equilibrium point. The equilibrium point tells us the best combination of price and quantity. With the graph on a lower floor, we can illustrate that some travelers will be forced to cancel their travel plans due to high ticket costs, just as we can identify travelers that will have to fly no matter what the cost of the fare is. However what economists tend to focus on is trying to find an equilibrium po int amid price and quantity.As we know, airlines provide a service to clients by connecting passengers to desired destinations worldwide. Although prices tend to be countersink by supply and demand, they are also exposed to externalities. An externality occurs when the actions of consumers or producers give rise to arrogant or negative side effects on other people, who are not part of these actions and whose interests are not taken into consideration. A perfect example of a negative externality is the rise of spirt fuel. As a barrel of oil rises, the price of jet fuel also rises and consequently the price of an airline ticket also rises. Externalities can create a positive or negative demand or effect on a product or service.Price elasticity of demand is a term that helps us understand the measure of the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to changes in price. In general, if there is a large responsiveness of the quantity demanded, the demand is referred to as being elastic, if there is a small responsiveness, demand is inelastic. Airlines take advantage of the existence of inelasticity. Mr. DSouza states in the article, People are still flying. People traditionally plan these breaks, and regardless of the price, they fly.The demand is very, very high. On the contrary, airlines understand price elasticity and use this well. They know that fare prices can be considered both elastic and inelastic based on the circumstance the traveler finds themselves in. Airlines study their client base, their competitors, and use patterns to predict the behavior of clients based on the condition. They know the probabilities of travelers changing to an preference airline if their price rises, if they modify their routes, but most of all, they use price elasticity to predict the supremacy of promotions offered by themselves or any other competitor.Airlines want to lure business by creating special value and convince unplanned tourists to take the trip. Say an average t icket price from Dallas to Las Vegas is $550.00 airlines will create a promotional price and may offer the same route for $199.00. Since the price is so low, people will often forget that they are taking an unplanned trip and will justify the trip by thinking about the cost savings realized and not of the unplanned expense. The demand curve below shows how changes in price lead to changes in the quantity demanded.Although airline tickets are considered elastic and inelastic, most economists consider it elastic unless travel is done for business use. Domestic airline travel can be substituted by bus transportation, automobile, train etc. Airline travel is elastic especially as the persons income increases so their opportunity for travel increases and they will be more likely to afford the variation in cost.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Death Penalty Essay Example for Free

termination Penalty EssayThe remnant PenaltyThe finish punishment is a haoma of punishment in which a person who has been convicted of a serious crime is executed under the doctrine of the criminal justice form. The destruction penalty has been in existence for thousands of years and has gained wide acceptance in the United States since early colonial times. Even those who framed the Constitution specifically the Fifth Amendment ap be of it though implicitly (McCord and Latzer 9). Despite the growing acceptance of the last penalty as an appropriate punishment for legitimate kinds of crimes such(prenominal) as first degree murders, there be still some mickle who advocate against it on certain intellect. The debate as to the justification of the death penalty has raged on for a foresighted time. On one hand, there are those who are of the opinion that the death penalty is a feral punishment which is morally wrong and a violation of the right to life for its victi ms. Others defend their argue views by citing the wave of abolition of other types of corporal punishment such as branding and flogging and calculate that imprisonment should also replace the death penalty (McCord and Latzer 9). However, the death penalty has proved to be a punishment befitting certain crimes such as horrific murders as it is the ultimate punishment.It has taken many another(prenominal) harmful elements off the streets besides playing as a deterrent for both the convicted criminals and other potence murderers step forward there. In essence, it has saved many exculpatory lives that otherwise would afford fallen prey to the aversion schemes of murderers. Indeed, there is no course more(prenominal) worthy than saving innocent lives. This essay presents an argument in support of the death penalty by considering its numerous benefits as backed up by goodly evidence from credible sources. In order to build the argument, the essay shall also consider some of th e opinions of those who struggle the death penalty. Death penalty is a good form of punishment considering that it pr purgets future murders by acting as a deterrent. Society has forever and a day employed different kinds of punishments in an effort to prevent authorization criminals from shoot downting crimes.In other words, there is al commissions a drive to prevent future harm by learning from the mistakes of today. In this regard, the society has a fervent interest in protecting peoples lives from murderers. The best way to prevent murder is to use the strongest form of punishment which is the death penalty (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Evidence from numerousstudies has proved that the death penalty has an inherent ability to deter would-be murderers from committing atrocious crimes. In fact, the incapacitative benefits of the death penalty occur in two ways. Firstly, by apprehending and executing convicted individual murderers, death penalty totally elimi nates any possibility of the criminal going back to the streets and killing again (Ogloff and Honeyman). aside from this aspect referred to as specific deterrence, the death penalty has even a wider scope of incapacitative benefits through public deterrence. This is because, by executing people convicted of committing horrific murders, potential murderers would be restrained from killing people since they are conscious of what provide come over them (Cassell and Bedau 32). Some opponents of the death penalty are of the opinion that the image of deterrence rests on a shaky ground since it assumes that people always think before acting, so that their actions depend on their quick-scented evaluation of the consequences.According to them, the assumption made here is that murderers will always think rationally before committing a crime and thus will opt not to commit murder in view of the imminent outcome which is the death penalty. In this regard, opponents of the death penalty sta mp out this assumption by noting that not all homicides are committed under circumstances that allow rational evaluation of the consequences. They cite homicides that are committed out of passionate hatred in which murderers, overcome by hatred towards their victims, have no time to contemplate about the ultimate consequences of their destructive behavior (Dorpat 114). However, this opposing opinion can only gain support in light of the fact that the Supreme solicit only approves of death penalty if a criminal is convicted of premeditated first-degree murder. Just because murders committed out of the heating system of passion are treated as second-degree murders in which death penalty does not apply, it does not annul the deterrent effects of the death penalty. It does not also imply that the presence of death penalty in the criminal justice system lack the capacity to prevent the so-called second degree murders (Cassell and Bedau 32). Moreover, it cannot be implied that despite having the death penalty, homicides continue to be committed in the country.The outstanding issue is not whether the death penalty prevents every murder, but rather, whether some murders are deterred by the death penalty. Logic, firsthand reports, and statistics have proved that the death penalty at least deterssome murders (Cassell and Bedau 32). For instance, an analysis conducted by Isaac Ehrlich in 1973 signifyd that at least seven lives were saved for every execution of a convicted murderer. This is because prospective murderers were deterred from going down the same path. critique studies have generated similar results (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Apart from acting as a deterrent, the death penalty stands out as the only punishment that can be equated with the crime of murder. It is worth noting that when a life is taken by another, an imbalance in the justice system is the outcome. If the imbalance is not corrected, society is left to a rule of violence. Therefore, in conformity with the requirement that the punishment accorded should be proportional to the magnitude of the crime committed, death penalty is the right way to go (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Moreover, the U.S justice system is used to the trend of escalating punishments which thus qualifies that the most heinous crimes should receive the most severe punishment. Some opponents of the death penalty have argued that death penalty is cruel and denies the person the right to life. However, many forget the extent of cruelty with which the victim was subjected to by the murderer.The pain that a murderer causes to the family of the victim is immense and death penalty is the most appropriate punishment that can guarantee justice. This is not forgetting that it will still not be enough since the affected family will not get back their loved one (Siegel 513). Some opposing arguments have implied that the death penalty is a costly venture which overburdens the t axpayers. This argument does not represent the truth since more expenses are incurred by locking up killers for their entire lives. When these prisoners grow old and become vulnerable to many illnesses, the taxpayers are charge even further by the medical expenses. No one wants to spend his/her resources suporting killers when there is a justify means of preventing such costs and delivering justice (Guernsey 62). The death penalty is morally correct as it is even mentioned in the Bible. At the time the U.S constitution was drafted, the death penalty was widely accepted and does not shift as unusual. According to opponents of the death penalty, the punishment amounts to revenge and that a mature society should not suffice by inflicting immediate pain to the point of death.They argue that the response to murderers should be more measured as the death penalty is too extreme,violates respect for life, and encourages violence (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). However, the y forget that allowing murderers to live degrades the value that the society places on lives and perpetuates imbalance in the justice system. It creates a society where the families of the victims suffer psychological torture trying to understand how they could lose their loved ones in the hands of criminals who continue to live. Therefore, death penalty is a way of bringing murder crimes to a closure (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). It serves to underscore that murder is one crime which when committed, amounts to the murderer forfeiting his/her right to live (Siegel 513). The debate on the legitimacy of the death penalty has also seen hot logical argument regarding what opponents term as discriminative application of the penalty, where the blacks seem to be targeted than the whites. They argue that even in cases where whites have committed a similar crime for which blacks receive the ultimate punishment, they end up being disposed(p) lesser punishment. Some have po inted to the findings of Baldus which alludes to these kinds of racial disparities in the 1970s particularly in Georgia (Hill 190). However, youthful studies have indicated that Baldus findings cannot be used to represent the current situation where cases are scrutinized more closely to bend partial or discriminative justice. Moreover, the argument that similar crimes should receive the same sentence is untenable if not misguided.This is because prosecutors and juries have the right to their own discretion so that the details of similar crimes may be construe differently. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has asserted that it would be unconstitutional to have a death penalty that universally applies to all first-degree murders (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Statistics show that contrary to previous trends where it seemed like the death penalty was racially discriminative, more whites are actually executed than black people. In addition, death sentence cannot be overt urned on the basis of disproportionate representation of blacks who are on death row since this might only indicate that more murders are committed by blacks (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Another argument that has dominated the corridors of justice in relation to the death penalty is the opposing opinion that there is a significant chance of an innocent person being executed by mistake.Thus, opponents regard the death penalty as an unreliable punishment by alluding to statistics thatdate back to the 1970s when such incidences were notable though rare. The fact of the matter is, prone the system of appeals that has been set in place through numerous federal and state courts, it is almost out(predicate) to see such mistakes being made (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty). Moreover, there are better methods of scrutinizing evidence such as DNA profiling in forensics which are widely used to make the justice system achieve greater efficiency. Opponents of the death penalty cannot provide a solid argument on the grounds of innocent people being executed since there is no proof to this effect. Even if such incidences occurred, they are extremely rare. In an effort to build their case, some opponents of the death penalty rely on the claims of honor propagated by those who have been pardoned from death row after many years. However, most of these people are released cod to legal technicalities and can never be taken to mean that they are actually innocent (Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty).From this argument, it is clear that the death penalty is a valuable tool in our criminal justice system whose legitimacy cannot be downplayed by any amount of opposing views. It is the ultimate punishment that is founded on the U.S Constitution. By acting as a deterrent, it saves many lives every time a convicted murderer is executed. It is also a punishment that restores balance in the universal justice system and underscores the high value that the society places on human lives. Opponents of the death penalty fail to present a solid argument that innocent people may be or have been executed by mistake and that the application of the death penalty is racially discriminative. It would be unnecessary to rely on statistics accumulated 4 or 5 decades past and overlook the current improvements that have been made to refine the justice system. The death penalty remains a morally and constitutionally legitimate punishment.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Fredrick Jackson Turner Essay Example for Free

Fredrick capital of Mississippi food sophisticateer EssayFredrick Jackson food turner was an American Historian who examined the unique characteristics that defined American Culture. turner was a well educated man receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1884 and his Masters item in 1888. He continued his education at John Hopkins University and received a PhD in biography. He taught most of his professional life at the University of Wisconsin and then Harvard in 1910. Rise of the West, and Significance of Sections in American History for which he received the Pulitzer Prize have become standards in the study of American History. He is most well known for his bourne dissertation which he developed in 1893. Shortly, after the unite States Census Bureau in 1890 declared the American edge forthicially closed, Jacksons affaire was peaked and he set out to study and analyze Americas relationship with its own drop offmark. In 1893 he publicly verbalize about this thesis in Chicago at the Worlds Columbian Exposition.He stated Up to our own day American storey has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. In 1921, Fredrick Jackson food turner published a full length text titled The Frontier in American History. In it he explores his thesis which stated The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American firmness westward, explain American development (Turner 1) Turners fascination with the marge and probably his inspiration for perusing and understanding the importance of the American Frontier in American History stems back to his childhood. He grew up in in Portage, Wisconsin. His backyard bumped right against the meeting of two bodies of water Fox River and Wisconsin River. The small town had many another(prenominal) characteristics that would have been found in frontier town. When he describes his childhood he tells of the Native American teepees where he fished as a boy. Native Americans were often in town to sell various pieces of craft and jewelry to the local stores. To understand America and its culture it was extremely important to understand the frontier and Americas connection to it. Turner believed that the frontier Americanized Americans. This Americanization lasted close to 300 years, starting at the colonization of the New England rim and continuing until the west was completely colonized. The free land offered in the west, the frontier, was a safety net which offered prop ownership opportunities to people who traditionally could no afford to own anything. In the text of The Frontier of American History, he comments So long as free land exists, the opportunity for a competency exists, and stinting power secures political power (Turner 32).Discontent and impoverishment revolts were almost unheard in those 300 years. He argues that the frontier produces and shapes a particular type of man who is full of coarseness and strengthacuteness and inquisitiveness, (of) that practical and inventive turn of mind(full of) restless and nervous energy that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom. (Turner 37). Turners believed that the western movement was the main factor contributing to the basis of Americans institutions and culture. Conditions of living and conquering the wilderness permanently modify the European settlers of the New England coastline to a tonic national breed. Turner goes on to compare the American Frontier to Europe. In explaining their similarities, he states What the Mediterranean Sea was to the Greeks, breaking the bonds of custom, offering new experiences, calling out new institutions and activities, the ever-retreating frontier has been to the United States directly (Turner 38). Turner continues to explain that to the while Europe had its own frontiers, it naturalized them more remotely. Turner believed that the frontier shaped the American character and the closing of the Western Fronti er signified the United States graduating from its initial development into something much more mature.Turner summaries by commenting quaternity centuries from the discovery of America, at the end of a hundred years of life under the Constitution, the frontier has gone, and with its button has closed the first period of American history (Turner 38). In The Frontier of American History, while he writes about America as an character he gives a detailed general explanation that he believes could be used in understanding other nations cultural growth patterns. Fredrick Turner believes that the growth and settlement is the first period of progress in any nations development. This blowup is followed by followed by periods of social and economic development. Each of which is frontier all its own. Turner explains with an exampleStand at Cumberland Gap and watch the procession of civilization, marching single filethe buffalo following the reside to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur -trader and hunter, the cattle-raiser, the pioneer farmerand the frontier has passed by. Stand at South Pass in the Rockies a atomic number 6 later and see the same procession with wider intervals between (Turner 12) He believed that the American West created the first really free man. The European Frontier was nothing more than people recreating Old World values and deferring to authority. The frontier in America had no law, no authority, and men lived by their wits. America calculates of its frontier as being within the country not at the edge. There is no line which separates the frontier from settled land. Americas frontier is transient and terrestrial. However, the European frontier is fixed, and completely permanent. Turners question and thesis contrasted strikingly with his historic contemporaries who believed that America was based on Europe. And it was the European historical legacy brought over with the colonists that gave America its uniqueness. Fredrick Turner believ ed that the American Frontier and the surrounding experiences should be respected and spoke about of with dignity. Of course there are several flaws in his thesis. He failed to speak about the force of the American Frontier on women and minorities. Turners theory was deemed ethnocentric and nationalistic. His premise also showed a large separation between rural American and the future urban or city culture. some other problem with his safety net proposal is that it is not true for anything after the Civil War. In the thrall ridden South many blacks sought refuge in the frontier before the Civil War. However, after the Civl War, the poverty stricken south it was impossible for people to have enough money for transportation, and setting up homesteads in the West.It is important to note that Turners Frontier Thesis goes head to head with the theory that slaveholding was the defining factor in American history. The government actually gave away more free land after the official closi ng of the American Frontier than in all the years preceding 1890. Turners thesis and research were not, at the time of its original, publication embraced. Much of that coldness he received from his peers was due to his blunt, forceful nature and writing style. When he spoke about his Frontier Thesis, he commanded his fellow historians to turn their mindset from European history to the American West. He comments often that American Historians had it all wrong and he was right. His aggressive preaching may have turned other researchers off to even considering his thesis. Fredrick Jackson Turner does a good job of fleshing out his thesis. I do pair that the American Frontier had a huge effect on defining what America is and who Americans are. I do think that Turners Frontier Thesis has its problems which I stated above. I think it is important to point out that understanding the birth of truly American Ideals you must look at several different theories developed by various Historians. I agree with the points that Fredrick Turner makes. Especially concerning how settlers of the frontier needed to be self sufficient and self governing. Regardless, if historians agree with Turner or agree to disaccord the impact of his Frontier Thesis, is indisputable. He introduced the idea that daily events of regular people make up history that is it is true history. He nurtured and detailed his belief that the physical land can be a major(ip) factor in defining and shaping a culture, particularly the American Culture. Fredrick Jackson Turner breathed life into the American Western landscape, letting the Frontier transform from a mere setting to a powerful tool in chiseling the Americas historical and cultural legacy.BibliographyHutton, T.R.C. Beating a shortly Horse? The Continuing Presence of Frederick Jackson Turner in Environmental and Western History. International social Science Review (2002) 47+. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 http//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=5000838961.Ritc hie, Robert C., and Paul Andrew Hutton, eds. Frontier and Region Essays in Honor of Martin Ridge. 1st ed. San Marino, CA Huntington Library Press, 1997. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 http//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=10400476.Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Frontier in American History. New York Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1921. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 http//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=10376565.White, Richard, and Richard White. Chapter Ten When Frederick Jackson TurnerAnd Buffalo Bill Cody BothPlayed Chicago in 1893. Frontier and Region Essays in Honor of Martin Ridge. Ed. Robert C. Ritchie and Paul Andrew Hutton. 1st ed. San Marino, CA Huntington Library Press, 1997. 201-211. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 http//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=10400690.