Friday, May 31, 2019

Technology in the Classroom Stimulates Learning Essay -- Education Sch

Technology in the classroom, is it good or bad? I think this is a questionthat will be debated for many long time to come. There are those who believe thatwe must have technology in the classroom so that we can move forward as asociety. In a speech given by Roy Pea and Larry Cuban, Roy Pea quotes theLabor Secretarys Commission on the Achieving Necessary Skill, or SCANS, as expression Those unable to use technology face a life time of menial work. Othersbelieve that technology replaces learning and is actually making us stupid. any(prenominal)believe that the costs out weigh the benefits and others who believe the opposite.I believe that technology in the classroom can only help to enhance and stimulatelearning and prepare educatees for the future.The government has even acknowledged the need for technology in theclassroom. In the no child left behind bill at that place is a section that covers this verytopic. This section is known as the Enhancing Education Through Technologyact of 2001. The primary goal of this part is to improve student academicachievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and secondaryschools. Technology is everywhere and as educators of future generations wecannot simply ignore it or its influence in our daily lives.The world of education is constantly changing. The demands on teachersand students are ever increasing. Students are being expected to learn hardermath concepts previous in their educational careers. For example, my son istaking Pre-Algebra in the seventh grade. Without the use of technology, how canwe expect teachers and students to keep up with these demands? Technologycan allow teachers to lead their students with visual examples of conceptsthey ar... ...ts to develop marketable jobs skills.They are learning how to use technology to get the most from their education.We are preparing our students for the future and all the changes it will bring.Kathleen Patrice Gulley wrote Given the map that educatio n plays in preparingstudents to go into the world, it seems clear that there should be a connectionbetween the world and the classroom. Unless education reflects the world inwhich it exists, it has no relevance for the students. If we do not incorporatetechnology into our classrooms we are failing to give our children the bestpossible education and the skills necessary to be successful in the future.Resourceshttp// data/teachers/debate.htmlhttp//

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